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​Community Bike Ride 

Saturday, Sept 28th, 2024

9am Registration â€‹

Our family-friendly bike ride and celebration returns!


We will met at Campground Road Woods Forest Preserve at the junction of Algonquin and Campground Roads.

Riders of all all ages and experience are welcome to join us for a gentle 8 mile ride along the Des Plaines River Trail. Afterwards we will have activities, music, and refreshments.


Don't forget your helmet and water bottle!



​Register for the Ride :




Share our event flyer in your community. 



​We are grateful to our local community sponsors and supporters for their help making this event happen:

City of Des Plaines 



Des Plaines Journal

Des Plaines Park District

School District D62

Wayne Landino and the Shapeshifters

MBD Martial Arts

Sam's Club

Shop 'N Save


Frisbee Senior Center

Wheel and Sprocket Park Ridge

Uncork Unwind DP

Twisted Tree Yoga

Des Plaines History Center

Don's Dock Restaurant

Sunshine Grill 

Rivers  Casino 

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Cities are erected on spiritual columns.  
Like giant mirrors they reflect the hearts of their residents.  
If those hearts darken and lose faith, cities will lose their glamour."
~ Shams-I-Tabrizi (1145-1248)

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BikeWalkDesPlaines wants to hear from you about advocacy for bicycles, pedestrians.


​© 2021 by Bike Walk Des Plaines

Photo Credits Stan Kotecki

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