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Des Plaines City Council Candidate Survey 2025

Bike & Walk Des Plaines asked all the candidates for alderperson and city clerk postitions to complete a short survey about their thoughts and plans for biking and walking in Des Plaines. The detailed results are here and below.



Many of the candidates are active walkers and cyclists.  Some use public transport for commuting and recognise that Des Plaines has good Metra and bus links. Several candidates talked about safety, especially around schools, and enforcing traffic laws. Snow and ice clearing on sidewalks was important and there was strong support for increased efforts to alert business owners and enforce fines for non-compliance. Candidates welcomed the update of the city's Active Transportation Plan and want to prioritize safety around high traffic areas, schools, and downtown. The delays in completing the S-Curve safety improvement were noted by several candidates. 


The following candidates chose not to share their opinions with voters:

Carla Brookman - City Clerk 

Margaret Chlebek - 1st Ward 

Mike Hardiman - 5th Ward






Cities are erected on spiritual columns.  
Like giant mirrors they reflect the hearts of their residents.  
If those hearts darken and lose faith, cities will lose their glamour."
~ Shams-I-Tabrizi (1145-1248)

Share your thoughts!





BikeWalkDesPlaines wants to hear from you about advocacy for bicycles, pedestrians.


​© 2021 by Bike Walk Des Plaines

Photo Credits Stan Kotecki

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